Welcome to the Department of English Language website

English Language Department was first established in 2004 as one of the departments of College of Education- Kalar / Sulaimania University.

In 2011 it became one of the departments of College of Education /Garmian University

English Language Department, which started departmental studies in 2004 up to now , aims to train skillful and well qualified individuals and researchers who have extensive knowledge in English language and literature as well as developing accretion to analyse the depths of global literature, and who can succeed integrating universal and local values of literature and have ability to think critically and independently, and are keen to explore and investigate .

- English Department provides its students with the learning outcomes specified by the study program of the Department and the University.

-Other aims of the Department are to provide its students with the skills required to master the English language and communicate effectively in English. The four major skills covered in depth are reading, writing, listening and speaking.

-Graduates from the Department would be able to receive and produce a diverse range of discourse including academic as well as professional texts in English within an analytical, critical and logical frame of mind, and also it aims to assume a leading position in the region in terms of high quality teaching and innovative research in areas related to English language, literature, linguistics and translation, and to produce well-trained, informed graduates able to think critically, express themselves and play active roles in society and future careers.

-As far as job opportunities is concerned; Kurdish students graduating from this department can gain the right to teach English as English teachers in secondary and preparatory schools. Also, can be employed as research fellows and instructors, and work as interpreters or translators in relevant fields in private and state sectors.

University of Garmian / College of Education/English Department, Barda Sur, Kalar, As-Sulaymania, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

English Language Department

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Copyright © 2017 Garmian University. College of Education. Department of English