
كؤفارى زانكوى كه رميان-زماره 14 سالى 2017

A Pragmatic Analysis of Rhetorical Questions in Selected American Political Speeches


Media Rafiq Majeed


Aveen Hidayat Ahmed

MA in English Linguistics

Department of English, College of Education, University of Garmian

Kurdistan Region- Iraq


This study is an attempt to investigate rhetorical questions from the perspective of one pragmatic model which is speech act theory in some selected American political speeches. The study aims at showing the pragmatic function of rhetorical questions from the speech act point of view. To achieve this aim, it is hypothesized that rhetorical questions do not elicit an answer like ordinary questions but rather they state something, in other words; there is another meaning behind its literal meaning; (illocutionary force). Rhetorical questions are indirect speech acts and mostly in political speeches they are used to persuade the listeners.

In the current study, certain procedures have been followed: firstly: a survey of rhetorical questions, its form and function with some details about language of politics. Secondly; speech act theory is highlighted so as to create a model for the purpose of the analysis. Thirdly; seven American political speeches have been selected that contain rhetorical questions and then analyzed on the bases of the adopted model. Fourthly; the results that are obtained from the analysis are presented. The study falls in to four parts, part one is devoted to the theoretical framework of rhetorical questions, and language of politics. Whereas; part two is devoted to the theoretical framework of pragmatics, Speech Act theory and the model of analysis. Part three presents the practical analysis of rhetorical questions in the selected American political speeches followed by the results obtained from the data analysis. Part four sums up the conclusions arrived at.

1. International Journal of Arts and Sciences.

International Conference for Social Sciences and Humanities

in Malta from 26 February to 2 March 2017

Ambiguity in Selected English idioms to Kurdish EFL learners

By: Abas M. Salih

MA in Applied Linguistics

Department of English, College of Education, University of Garmian

Kurdistan Region- Iraq

personal website


There is no doubt that ambiguity is an important topic due to the amount of confusion it can cause in both fields of literature and linguistics alike. This study has examined the impact of ambiguity by both (literal and figurative) meanings in selected English idioms upon EFL learners in the Kurdish context.

The study has provided various definitions of ambiguity and idioms and has given some insight into the literature about both concepts. It has also shed light on both literal and figurative meanings of idioms and the ambiguity they can cause to language learners. The participants in this study were Thirty EFL Kurdish undergraduate students from the department of English, College of Education, University of Garmian in Kurdistan region, Iraq. The data of the study was collected through 20 multiple choice items with each one introducing an idiom in a sentence with four options for the students to choose from. The 20 idioms used in the sentences were selected from Oxford Idioms Dictionary for Learners of English (2006). This study has used Cieslicka’s (2006) literal-salience resonant model to analyse the data and find out the type of idioms’ meaning that the students scored the highest in.

After analysing the results, it was found that the literal meanings of the idioms was the part that the students scored the highest in them as 23 students (77%) out of the 30 participants chose the right options for them. Finally the study has ended with a conclusion and made some suggestions to further research the topic and improve the students’ achievement in the light of the study’s findings.

Key words: ambiguity, literal meaning LM, figurative meaning FM, idioms, English as a foreign language EFL, undergraduate students.

2 - Humanities and Social Sciences Review,

CD-ROM. ISSN: 2165-6258 :: 05(01):295–302 (2016)



Jalal Sa'adullah Hassan and Abas Mohammed Salih

University of Garmian, Iraq

personal website

Threats are socially linguistic acts the threatener and the threatened. Especially, the act of threatening is,

in a linguistic sense, an institution, which can be seen as a relatively durable set of social relations that

endows an individual with power. This study presents a brief definition of threat impressions related to

language. Then it offers a more comprehensive understanding of the type of threats, the relation

between threats warnings and promises, and other expressions of threats. This study has applied Leech's

(1996: 104) model of illocutionary functions (conflictive) which conflicts with the social goals such as

threatening and cursing to analyze a speech by Mr. Barack Obama, the president of the USA made

about the terrorist organization of ISIL. It was found that the speech that consisted of 2017 words

contained a total of 124 threats divided into the three types of threatening language according to the

previous model, i.e. Direct, Indirect, and Valid. The figure was then changed into percentages to show

that the highest percentage of the threats was direct, and the lowest were valid ones. Finally, some

conclusions have been made

Keywords: ISIL: The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, Al Qaeda, Sunni, Direct Threats, Indirect

Threats, Veiled Threats.

3. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Thought,

CD-ROM. ISSN: 2156-6992 :: 05(04):331–345 (2015)


Bahar Asi Amin

University of Garmian, Kurdistan-Iraq

personal website

This research is an inquiry in to the meaning of meaning relation. It is an attempt to determine whether the meaning relation can be drawn from the analysis of selected editorials or not. Editorials have been chosen to analyze the meaning relations for two reasons: first the style of editorials is defiantly formal, and the vocabularies are new, secondly the editorials include more than on aspect of life. So we can choose political, social, economical, educational etc… issues. First of all we will choose some definitions of lexical cohesion to be familiar with the meaning relation. Halliday and Hasan's (1976) define cohesion as meaning have relations, which exist in a text and this, is what differentiates it form what is not a text. Finch (2005) states that cohesion is the grammatical and lexical ties which link a text together in discourse analysis that refer specifically to the way in which the sentences of spoken or those of written forms combine to create a meaningful text. So, one can conclude that no text or discourse is only a set of random sentences, but rather these sentences tend to have Unity which is the role of cohesion and that meaning relations as well as grammatical work together to make the text a coherent one.


كؤفارى زانكوى كه رميان-زماره 10 سالى 2016

Commands in Selected English Proverbs


Bahar Assi Amin

University of Garmian/College of Education/English Department

Commands in Selected English Proverbs

By: Bahar Assi Amin

personal website


This research is an inquiry in to the concept of commands in selected English proverbs. It is an attempt to determine which type(s) of command are used more commonly in the selected proverbs. The reason behind chosen proverbs is that they contain different aspects and styles and used by all English users and a certain class of people only. Thus, in addition to social, economical, political and educational aspects, there are formal and informal styles involved in proverbs.

According to Quirk and Greenbaunm (1973) there are five types of commands. Their model has been used to analyze (50) randomly chosen proverbs concerning the types of command they contain. The result has shown that command without a subject has the highest frequency among the other types while persuasive command has the lowest (zero) frequency.

5.The Speech Act analysis of the Iraqi Parliament Candidates's Speeches in General Election in 2014

Dr.Jalal Sa'adullha Hassan

Head of English department/ College of Education. University of Garmian

Humanities and Social Sciences Review,

CD-ROM. ISSN: 2165-6258 :: 2016 volume , 05 , number 01


Researcher website


The study intends to give an understanding and insight into the pragmatic Speech Act features in the Speeches of the candidate of Iraq general Election which was done in April 2014. The study focuses mainly on the Speech Act function of locution and illocutionary pragmatic moves of the selected political speeches of the candidates. The data were collected from the candidate speeches from which 40 speech acts are chosen (direct and indirect illocutionary acts).The finding showed overall relative frequency percentages for selected speeches. These speech acts assist in understanding interpretation of the messages in their speeches. The study adopts Speech Act Theory of Austin (1962) and Searle (1969) in the speeches corpora.

6.A pragmatic Study of Boosters in a Selected Political interview

Dr.Jalal Sa'adullah Hassan. Head of English Department. University of Garmian

كؤفارى زانكوى كه رميان-زماره ( ) سالى 2016

Researcher's Website


This study presents a pragmatic study of boosters in a political interview. In our everyday lives, we are surrounded by linguistic inputs: in our homes, at work, and in anywhere else. It is a political language, which is formal, and it can be seen as an example of spontaneous and natural language, because it is institutional language and well-prepared. The study highlights on boosters in one of Obama's interviews. First it was undertaken to investigate the brief introduction of boosters and then the Urbanova model was clarified and applied on Obama's interview. This model describes the pragmatic function of boosters which includes Hearer- Oriented, Speaker-oriented and Discourse organizing boosters. Finally some conclusions are reached.


Political interview, Boosters, political speech.

7. Usages, Drawbacks and Benefits of Oral Corrective Feedback:

Teachers’ Perspective & Classroom Analysis

Kurdish Academic Journal no. 30 in 2014

Researcher website

Assistant Lecturer: Hawkar Omar Ali Assistant Lecturer: Hemn Adil Karim

MA in Applied Linguistics (TEFL) & MA in Applied Linguistics (TEFL)

Koya University/English Department Raparin University/English Department


Oral corrective feedback (OCF) is the process of correcting students’ erroneous utterance orally. The process happens as soon as a teacher hears an unwanted or unexpected language from the students. The present research deals with the usages of OCF from teachers’ points of view. Further, this paper tries to diagnose the advantages of OCF, and the disadvantages of not giving OCF. Additionally, this research aimed at exploring when, how and what types of OCF are given by the teachers. This study was conducted with 12 EFL teachers at Koya University – English Department. An open – ended questionnaire was designed in order to collect data. Moreover, to practically diagnose the usages of OCF, a two hour session was recorded in which an EFL Kurdish teacher was teaching second year students.

The findings showed that the participants welcomed the idea of correcting students’ spoken errors in the classroom. Further, the teachers acknowledged that they use different types of OCF in the classroom. The results of the recorded lecture confirmed this fact. Moreover, OCF is given either explicitly or implicitly, and immediately after the error was heard or after the student finished his/her speech. Furthermore, the teachers had different views on giving the students the chance to choose the way they are corrected. Some of them agreed to give them such an opportunity while others denied. In addition, the participants reported some advantages and disadvantages of OCF. They asserted that OCF plays a leading role in helping the students to understand their errors and use a correct form of second language. Besides, OCF stops the students from fossilization; keep making the same error again and again. Finally, this research identified some pedagogical implications.

8.Idyll in Chosen Poems by William Wordsworth and Abdulla Goran

Dr. Ibrahim Ali Murad

University of Garmian

college of Education

English Department

researcher's website


This brief study is an attempt to bridge the two Romantic Movements in the English and Kurdish literatures through studying a number of poems written by the English and Kurdish poets, William Wordsworth (1770- 1850) and Abdulla Goran (1904-1962) respectively. The study falls into six sections: The first section is about idyll as a term, its definitions and its origin, while the second section studies two of Wordsworth's idylls, "Lines Written in March" and "Lines Written in Early Spring". In the third section, a brief note about the Kurdish poet Abdulla Goran is presented along with two idylls from his poem, "A Trip to Hawraman" which is initially a series of ten idylls. The fourth and fifth sections deal with the similarities and differences in the poems of the two poets. And the final section is the conclusions arrived at as a result of the study, whereas the list of references closes the study.

9.Humanities and Social Sciences Review,

CD-ROM. ISSN: 2165-6258 :: 03(05):209–218 (2014)

Copyright c 2014 by


Ibrahim Ali Murad University of Garmian, Iraq

Conflict has started with the appearance of man on earth and will continue as far as he goes on living there. There are different kinds of conflicts; some are related to the conflict of the individual with the authority, some between an individual and his community, and some of them are concerned with the conflict within self or what is called internal conflict. The poet under study bitterly suffered from all these conflicts. The study is divided into two sections and a conclusion. The first section deals, in brief, with biographical notes about the poet, Sherko Bekas (1940- 2013) and the political situation against which most of his poetry was composed; while the second section is subdivided into three parts: After a short preface about the concept of conflict, each subdivision studies in detail a kind of conflict through selecting and studying extracts from seven of his poems. The paper concludes that the power of inhibited energy may generate stronger and more telling poetry than the normal cases where inspiration is at work, and then, the paper ends with a list of the references. Keywords: Conflict, Internal, Individual.

10.Charles Olson and the “Projective Verse”

By: Ibrahim Ali Murad


Collegeof Education

University of Garmian

researche's website


This paper will study, in brief, a literary work of the American poet, critic and essayist, Charles Olson (1910- 1970) who was associated with the New York avant- garde. Olson became famous for his poetic manifesto, “Projective Verse” more than his poetry. The manifesto sought to create a poetry that emphasizes open form in a clear attempt from the part of the poet to divorce the modern American poetry from the traditional closed forms of metric verse that overshadowed the English and American poetry before that.

The study falls into five sections and a conclusion. The first section will deal with the origin of the idea, its philosophy, and its proponent, that influenced this theory and helped in its reproducing anew with some developments, amendments, and of course a new nomenclature, whereas the second section is devoted to the idea of “composition by field” in which Olson stresses the concept that writing poetry is a process. In the third section, the main principles of “projective Verse” are on display. Section four studies how a poem is made according to Olson’s theory. In this section, syllable and line are strongly connected to ear and breath. The last section exposes a comparison made by the theorist between a poem and the world and how a poem with its elements resembles the world that is made of ‘objects’. In the last part, the conclusion comes out with the findings of the paper.



Aubades: Songs of Departure in Selected English Poems

Dr. Ibrahim Ali Murad

University of Garmian

College of Education

English Department

researcher's website


English poetry is rich with various topics and different aspects; in this, it may not be very different from poetry in the other literatures. One of the aspects, however, that draws more attention, is the repetition of certain titles in different poems like, Valediction, Song, portrait of a Lady, Elegy, Psalm, etc. Aubade is also one of the words that imposed itself as a title for several English poems by well-known poets.

The study falls into four sections; the first section is introductory about the general meanings and implications of the word 'aubade' while section two deals with a brief historical background of the word in the English literature. The third section studies three poems under the same title of "Aubade" by Richard Wilbur (b. 1921), William Empson (1906- 1984), and Philip Larkin (1922- 1985), respectively, whereas the last section includes the conclusions that the study arrived at, and at the end, there is a list of references.

Key words: Aubade, English, poems.


Why he was not a painter? John Ashbery's

"The painter"

Dr. Ibrahim Ali Murad

University of Garmian

College of Education

English Department

researcher's website


This paper deals with the poetry of the living American modern poet, John Ashbery (b. 1927) through the poem, "The Painter" which is regarded by most critics as the mouthpiece of his poetic philosophy. It is divided into five short and uneven sections: The first section is introductory where the nature of Ashbery's poetry is disclosed along with his interest in painting and collage. In section two, the text of the poem is presented with reference to the major influences that can be discerned in it. The third section tackles the main symbols in the poem that change it into an allegory, while section four deals with objectivity as the main goal of the painter. The fifth section studies the political and religious connotations in the poem and then the paper ends with conclusions and a list of works cited.

13.International Journal of Arts & Sciences,

CD-ROM. ISSN: 1944-6934 :: 08(03):41–50 (2015)


Ibrahim Ali Murad

University of Garmian

researcher's website

Colour is an essential element in painting and art in general, but literature should also be included in its realm. It is used in literary products for multiple purposes like expressing ideas, conveying symbolic meanings, and disclosing moods and emotions. The paper studies the use of colour in some poems by the Kurdish poet, Sherko Bekas (1940-2013) for the mentioned purposes. It is divided into four sections and a conclusion. Section one is introductory where a brief background about the poet is presented along with a cultural background that illustrates the impact of culture upon the symbolic meanings and connotations of the colours used, while the other ones study the use of black, white and red colours respectively through extracts from chosen poems by the poet under study. Each colour is tackled from both positive and negative perspectives as they are inserted by the poet. The study concludes that there is a strong connection between the cultural background and the poet's mood on the one hand and the colours used in the poems on the other hand. At the end, it closes with a list of references


love for Land (Country) and Patriotism

in Selected English and Kurdish Poems in the First Half of Twentieth Century.

Salar Mahmud Muhamad Salih

M.A. English Literature and Stylistics

University of Garmian, College of Education, English Dept.

Love for Land (Country) and Patriotism in

Selected English and Kurdish Poems in the First Half of Twentieth Century.

Salar Mahmud Muhamad Salih

M.A. English Literature and Stylistics

University of Garmian, College of Education, English Dept.

Patriotism in some Kurdish and English poems in 20th Century, Acommparative Study”. 2016, published in Tikrit Uinversity Academic Journal.

researche's website


Literature is always regarded the mirror that reflects the age and the place of any piece of writing, and for the formalists; literature is self-reflexive. The love of one’s country and native land is inherently superior to all other feelings specifically during the war and fighting for independence. On one hand, England, due to its central role in universal affairs and its participating in the two Great World Wars, possesses a huge fame for patriotic emotions and nationalist reactions. On the other hand, Kurdish people ( one of the nations that inhabits Middle East and it’s descended from Indo-Iranian families) has tried their excessive efforts to achieve an independent country for their own as they have been divided among four countries, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria.

So, the study aims at comparing the various poetic images that are used in both sides to express the same nationalistic feeling and reactions toward their homelands in the first half of 20th century which includes the two World Wars that encouraged the enthusiastic morals to write patriotic themes including freedom, love for country.

The study discusses the styles of selected patriotic poems in both to uncover the ways that they show nationalistic concepts through comparing selected lines from them to find similar and different poetic images in depicting those themes via using various words, expressions, allusions, proverbs, landscapes, geographical scenes, heroes, and other related elements and pictures. The study consists of five parts, and adopts the American models of comparative methods, and it ends up with a succinct conclusion that displays distinct means to draw patriotism, and the list of works cited.

Key Words: Patriotism, nationalism, country, Great War, freedom.


Linguistic Deviation in Hemingway’s One Reader Writes

(A Stylistic Study)

Dr.Wirya Ahmed Ameen Salar Mahmud Muhamad Salih

Salahaddin University University of Garmian

Linguistic Deviation in Hemingway’s “One Reader Writes”. 2015, published in Salahadin University Academic Journal.

researcher's website


Explaining the relation between language and artistic function of literature is the area of stylistics. This discipline is concerned with the application of theoretical ideas and analytical techniques drawn from linguistics to the study of literary texts in order to arrive at a more broadly based objective analysis. It is the study of style which refers to the way in which language is used by a given person in a given context; and in literature, it incorporates the entire linguistic repertoire utilized by a given writer in a given literary work. So, one of the mechanisms used to analyze a writer's style is through 'linguistic deviation'.

The present paper is thus an attempt to apply this particular mechanism to the interpretation of one of Hemingway's short stories One Reader Writes. It aims at enabling the reader to enjoy, understand and appreciate the literary devices used by the writer to effectively communicate his message.

To tackle this topic, the paper is divided into six sections. Section one presents the preliminaries: it involves Hemingway, the story behind his One Reader Writes, the procedure followed in the analysis of the story, etc. Section two dwells on deviation as a stylistic device in literary analyses. Section three sheds light on two major types of deviation: internal and external deviations. Section four is concerned with the analysis of the story in the light of the types of deviation mentioned above. Section five exhibits the interpretive value of deviation as a stylistic device, and refers to its role in helping the reader to arrive at the hidden agenda behind a literary work. Section six, eventually, presents the conclusions the study has arrived at.

The paper adopts the Harvard Style of documentation, and it ends with a list of the references cited.

Key Words: Deviation, foregrounding, stylistics