
Available Books at English Language Department's Library

Flame into being the life and work of D. H .Lawrence

Hard times of Charles Dickens

The Dickens world

Oliver Twist of Charles Dickens

David copper field of Charles Dickens

A Dickens companion

Minor poems of John Milton

Paradise Lost of John Milton

Samson Agonistes of John Milton

Paradise Lost of John Milton

Paradise Lost of John Milton

The return of the native of Thomas Hardy

Tess of the D'urbervilles of Thomas Hardy

Task –based language learning and teaching

Grammar (practice activities)

Understanding pragmatics

Approaches and methods in language teaching

Second language Acquisition

Fundamental concepts of language teaching

The McGraw-Hill Guide to English Literature( Beowulf to Jane Austen)

The Limits of Trauma Discourse ( Woman Anfal survivors in Kurdistan- Iraq)

The Old man and the see of Ernest Hemingway

Jana Austen and her Art

Paragraph writing

Developing skills

Teaching English

Teaching English

Help at hand (ideas for the developing teacher)

English language teaching

A communicative grammar of English

Modern criticism and theory

The winter as artist of Hemingway

A companion to the modern American Novel

The handbook of second language Acquisition

The handbook of linguistics

Literary schools of Farah yeganeh

Critics on D.H. Lawrence

D.H. Lawrence (The Novels)

A family Record of Jane Austen

A Jane Austen companion by F.B. Pinion

Mansfield Park of Jane Austen

In Memoriam of Tennyson

An Epistle to Dr .Arbuthnot of Alexander

The Rape of the Lock of Alexander Pope

Discussions of John Donne

Critics on Jane Austen

EMMA of Jane Austen

John Dryden (David Hopkins)

Critics on Marlowe

Heroic Love of Mark Rose

A history of the congregational church in Ann Arbor

Dictionary of literary terms and literary theory