A seminar was held by Xoshy Anwar Hassan on Using Music and Singing to Teach Speaking and Reading Skills on October 21,2018. The presenter focused on the learners' response to learning through music and using harmony that enables them to be involved in the process of acquiring knowledge. It is worthy to be mentioned that the steps of teaching were highlighted in the seminar and how this method helps students to keep information in their long term memory, along with how teachers should act and use musical tune.

On October 28 a seminar was held by Mr Salar Mahmood on modernity in English and Kurdish literature. The topic tried to show the differences of ages and periods between both Kurdish and English literature in terms of naming, themes , techniques. It is clear that the researchers face huge obstacles and hindrances while comparing the two literature's' selected topics specifically in Drama and Novel due to the gap that exists largely between their different ages of Starting. The seminar displayed the points of both literature's starting and the vital phases they passed through all centuries till the contemporary era.

Another seminar was held in the same day October 28 by Dr. Ibrahim Ali under the title "Snyder as an Eco-Poet" that focused on eco-critical reading of the poems of Snyder.

For more details click here

November 10th a series of seminars was held by M.A students of English Department.The thesis seminars were under different titles by M.A students of both literature and linguistics. The first seminar was presented by Zainab Hashim Majedd entitled A pragma-linguistic Study of Invitation and Intimidation in Selected English and Arabic Religious Sermon . The Second seminar was presented by Drivan Jalal entitled Socio-Ecological Transformation in Science-Fiction: An Ecocritical Study of Frank Herbert's Dune and Joan Slonvzewski's A Door into Ocean . The third Seminar was presented by Sherko Yunis entitled A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Offensive Expression in Selected English and Arabic Movies. The last seminar was presented by HIba Abdul-Satar Mahdi entitled In-Yer-Face Theatre: A Psychoanalysis Study of Sarah Kane's Five Plays.

On November 4th a seminar about history of English language was held by Dr. Jalal Sadwllah Hassan. the seminar focused on the ages and steps of the progress of English language all over the world. Throughout the ages, English has been a vast canvas on which every country of the world has used its brush to add fresh colors which proves its universal vision of accepting influence from nook and corner of the world. Today, the language is spoken by billions and has been rightly called a universal language.

In the same day another seminar was held by Mr. Abass M. Salih on context clues in which the presenter focused on identifying the meaning of word without dictionary.

On November 11th a seminar was held by Dr. Nassreen Othman Darwesh entitled Irony and Humor in Oscar Wild's An Ideal Husband.. It attempted to show irony in the title of the play and the unconventional characters as elements of modernity since the play is written in the Victorian age but it mocks the Victorian mores and idealism.

On November 14th a seminar entitled How to Teach Grammar was presented by Dr. Jalal Sadullah Hassan.

On November 25th a seminar was held by M.Bahar Assi Ameen on Deixis in Languageh. Deixis as a phenomena which exists in every language was explained.In it a speaker point or refer to a specific thing or person or more than one thing and one person. The pronouns and the demonstrative terms are considered like the best deixis such as I , He, She this those etc... This could be realized in context since they might refer to too many references in different situations.

On November 28th a seminar about the above mentioned title was held by Mr.Hemin Adil Kareem. It was about the two main approaches to English language writing assessment; holistic and analytic. It included the notion and the main purpose of assessment in general and in writing skill particularly. It also shed light on the key terms 'reliability and validity' which are related to assessment and scoring methods. Then both approaches to scoring were introduced with examples and their advantages and disadvantages were presented with their pedagogical implications. It ended with questions, additional points, and questions from the audience.

On November 28th M. Roshna Ahmed presented to different seminars. The first one entitled Literary Criticism and English Student. The second one entitled Conversation and Literature. The Seminars focused on the importance of literary criticism and literature in motivating authentic speaking.

On December 6th a seminar entitled The Notion of Humanity in The Art of Racing in the Rain was held by Snoor I. Mahmood. The seminar accorded priority to the introduction of the novel which is written by Garth Stein, and analyzing the concept of humanity

On December 16th Dr. Ibrahim Ali Murad held a seminar on Kurdish Prufrock.

On January 20th a Seminar was held by Xoshy Anwar Hassan entitled Pronunciation Difficulties on the same day annother seminar was held by Bahar Assi Amin entitled Defining Words in English Language

Workshop Entitled IELTs Familiarization held on March 7th by teacher of English Department

On Febreuary 3rd Dr Jalal Saadllah Hassan presented a seminar entitled Intralinguistic Relations of Words .

On January 27th a Seminar entitled Chimps are not Human was held by Miss Bahar Assi Amin. The seminar revolved around the announcement that chips are humans a like... Chimps are human cousins this confirms the similarities between these types of creatures. No doubt that chimps share many features with humans in spite of some physical characteristics yet it is proved that chimps can not learn sign language.

On February 2nd Adil Abdullah Ali presented a seminar at English Department entitled Types of Sentences Applied in Robert Browning's Poem My Last Duchess

On February 6th Mr Hemin Adil Kareem presented a seminar entitled Paraphrasing. The Seminar was concerned with the concept and idea of paraphrasing, its definition and how to help students paraphrase in an academic way. it also shed light on the problems that developing writers encounter during paraphrasing an original text. It also explained how English major teachers can help students follow the methods of paraphrasing and how to be applied in a practical way.

On January 27th a seminar was held by Mr. Abass Muhammad Salih entitled Models of Reading Bottom-Up Vs. Top down

On February 13th a seminar was held by Vian Ahmed entitled An Overview Across Culture and Language

On February 6th a seminar was presented by Vian Ahemd entitled Strong and Weak Syllable

On February 5th a Seminar was presented by Dr Nasreen Othman Darwesh entitled Individualism and Society

On January 27th Dr Ibrahim Ali Murad presented a seminar entitled Rap Poetry

On April 10th Aveen Hidayat Ahmed presented a seminar entitled Main Stresses that influence male and female character in the society

On April 10th Jwan Adil presented two seminar entitled Regarding Shylock as Sinner in Merchant of Venice. and Gothic Novel

On April 11th different seminars were held in English Department by different instructors. The first seminar was held by Aveen Hydayat entitled Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in Teaching, the second seminar was held by Mediay Rafiq entitled Psycho-linguistics, the third one was held by Vian Ahemd entitled Complex Word Stress.

On March 11th a seminar under the title Multiple Intelligence by Amanj Hassan Salih.

